Maintaining consistency across user desktops is one of the most elusive goals faced by IT departments, creative directors and business technologists. So it’s not surprising that over the years, FontAgent® customers have asked us for ways to control fonts on user systems.
As a result of these requests, we have developed a variety of customizable controls in FontAgent Server for syncing, displaying and managing fonts on client desktops. Here’s a sampling of the settings and functionality that give you the power to consistently control fonts on user desktops.

Syncing Fonts
The Bondi Release of FontAgent Server includes an all-new tag manager that enables server and font admins to:
- Control which fonts are downloaded to client machines
- Control how fonts are organized into sets on client machines
- Automatically synchronize fonts on clients at customizable intervals
- Automatically expire assignment of sets and fonts to users and groups
… to bring consistency to user desktops and manage your font licenses efficiently

Importing and Exporting Fonts
- Permit selected users to upload fonts and sets to the server
- Restrict users from importing fonts locally into their clients
- Stop users from exporting fonts to local storage
… to prevent the introduction of rogue fonts into your workflow and maintain compliance with your font licenses

Font Metadata
- Provide descriptive, searchable metadata for downloaded fonts
- Display or hide paths to font files
… to help users select the right fonts faster and prevent the misuse of font files.

System Fonts
- Show or hide system fonts in FontAgent clients
- Prevent changes to system font folders
… to simplify font menus, prevent the use of unauthorized fonts and enforce enterprise design standards.

Administration and Authentication
- Authenticate users with enterprise directory services
- Automatically expire assignment of users and contractors to groups
… to maintain user security, role identity, and reap the greatest return from font-license investments.

The Many Benefits of Server-Side Control of Desktop Fonts
By using the server-side controls in FontAgent Server, you can maintain steady font control across user desktops in your organization. In doing so, you can maintain font consistency and license compliance, reduce project errors, smooth workflows, simplify desktop configuration, and minimize support and font licensing costs. Ask us about how FontAgent Server can help you gain control of font licensing and management in your organization.