Graphical image of users checking the terms of their font licenses

Reality Check: Are Your Fonts Properly Licensed?

Font foundries are enforcing the terms of their licenses in court and the time is clearly over for having casual attitudes about font licensing. A self-audit is a good idea for users and organizations who have font collections with unknown license terms.

Image of a danger sign against blue sky with the words Free Fonts floating over its

The Risks and Dangers of Free Fonts

It’s important to understand the risks of using free fonts in your projects. The dangers can include license violations, font integrity and quality issues, incomplete families and character sets, and serious rendering problems.

Graphical image of a collage of fonts overlaid with an activation slider control

Why Not Activate All My Fonts?

If you’ve built a sizable font collection over the years, there are crucial technical and practical reasons why you shouldn’t activate them all at the same time. Learn how to preserve the productivity of you and your computer by activating just the fonts you need.


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