One of the primary functions of a font manager is helping you find the fonts you need quickly and easily. FontAgent® provides two search facilities for finding fonts in your FontAgent catalog: Quick Search and Smart Search.

Using Quick Search

Quick Search provides a Google-like experience. You simply type into the Search field (in the upper-right of the FontAgent window) what you’re looking for and FontAgent lists all fonts with a matching name, foundry, copyright, style, tag, comment, metric or other metadata value.

Screen snippet of the Search field in FontAgent

What is a Smart Search?

Smart Search allows you specify complex search with multiple, specific criteria. It is accessible from two places in FontAgent:

  • When you click the magnifying glass in the Search field
  • When you define a Smart Set
Image of an abstract tree full of fonts and a magnifying glass, signifying how FontAgent's Smart Search facility helps you find the fonts you need fast

The remainder of this article is about using Smart Search to define helpful searches in your workflow. To start a Smart Search, click the magnifying glass icon in the Search field and FontAgent displays the Smart Search dialog.

Screenshot of the Smart Search facility in FontAgent

Selecting Smart Search Criteria

In the first column of the dialog, FontAgent lets you specify the characteristics that you want to search. You can choose from the following characteristics:

Font name
Foundry name
Foundry code
Font file format

Font slant
Font weight
Font proportion
Font traits

Activation Status

Ratings  1 to 5 stars

Sample Smart Search Definitions

The table below illustrates some sample Smart Sets and their associated criteria. Note that these are only examples. The right Smart Sets for you are limited only by your creative needs and imagination.

Smart Set Set Description Smart Set Search Criteria
Favorites Fonts rated 4 or more stars Rating is:
– Fill in 4 stars
Monotype Monotype library fonts Match any of:
– Font Name contains Monotype
– Foundry Name contains Monotype
– Copyright contains Monotype
OpenType Fonts whose file format is OpenType Font Type is OpenType
Monotype OpenType Monotype fonts whose file format is OpenType Match all of:
– Foundry Name contains Monotype
– Font Type is OpenType
Bold Fonts heavier than regular book weight Weight is:
– Check semi-bold, bold and black
Light Fonts lighter than regular or book weight Weight is:
– Check thin and light
Slanted Font Name Fonts with Italic, Slanted or Oblique in their names Match any of:
– Font Name contains italic
– Font Name contains slanted
– Font Name contains oblique
Italic Metric Fonts that slant to the right Slant is italic
Condensed Fonts whose character width is less than normal Proportion is:
– Check Narrow, Condensed and Semi-Condensed
Expanded Fonts whose character width is greater than normal Proportion is:
– Check Extended and Wide
Everest Fonts tagged for Everest project Font is tagged Everest
Job 34752 Fonts used in print job 34752 Match any of:
– Font Tags contains 34752
– Comments contains 34752

Best Practices for Defining and Using Smart Sets

Here is a summary of best practices for defining and using Smart Sets in FontAgent:

  • Create dynamic Smart Sets based on criteria rather than static sets when you can, since Smart Sets automatically update their contents as you add fonts to your catalog.
  • Use disclosure triangles in the Sets Sidebar to show and hide Smart Sets and preserve the usability of your Sets Sidebar.
  • Use Smart Sets based on tags to associate fonts with temporary projects or ones that come and go over time.
  • For infrequent and one-time searches, rather than specifying Smart Sets, use FontAgent’s powerful Search facility, which finds any matching font information automatically.