FontAgent® CloudServer is the industry’s first and most powerful cloud-based font server. It provides centralized control of font integrity, organization and distribution for organizations from 2 to 200,000 users.
FontAgent CloudServer brings easy, economical font management to enterprises, agencies, departments and businesses of all sizes. It delivers font-management consistency, power and expandability across entire organizations while providing users the font search, preview and activation power they require—all in the cloud!

Slash Infrastructure and Admin Costs
With FontAgent CloudServer you don’t need to purchase, manage and maintain hardware to implement a font-server solution. Instead, you can manage fonts across your organization using cloud-based services over the Internet. No server software installation and no network configuration required. Just log into the CloudServer from a Mac or Windows client and start managing your fonts.
FontAgent CloudServer is perfect for creative groups that want the benefits and power of a professional font server without the associated hardware and administrative costs. At the same time, the CloudServer is a dependable, cost-effective solution for IT groups wishing to outsource their organizations’ font-management infrastructure.
Simple, Powerful Font Server Solution
FontAgent CloudServer delivers the simplicity and power required to manage fonts across enterprises of any size. Its comprehensive capabilities empower you to:
- Maintain a centralized, cloud-based library of verified fonts
- Synchronize fonts across all their users
- Forego the cost and administration of font server hardware and software
- Get free client and server software updates as they become available
- Enjoy free access to a wide range of free fonts including Google web fonts
- Use Azure Active Directory to manage single sign-on and permissions for controlling the distribution of fonts across the enterprise
- Subscribe to font management services for a low, predictable fee

Member of the FontAgent Server Family
FontAgent CloudServer is a member of the FontAgent Server family, which includes an Enterprise Server for installation on enterprise networks, and a TeamServer for use in agencies, businesses and workgroups. All of these FontAgent Servers enable organizations to automate the distribution and updating of fonts, manage font licenses, and ensure smooth creative workflow.